Dhada movie was released in theatres yesterday. This movies stars Naga Chaitanya along side our princess KAJAL AGARWAL. I have already watched the movie and the movie was a visual treat to our eyes.. The movie which starred KAJAL AGARWAL as an Indian Richie Rich girl.. failed in some techanical aspects and the story was also not so gripping and the narration was not up to mark but.. the movie is good to watch. The movie never could grip the audience but it has one thing that is gonna be a sure shot visual treat for all the fans of NagaChaitanya and princess KAJAL AGARWAL. Nagachaitanya did as he has promised and learnt how to dance.. He did some breath taking steps and impressed the audience with it. KAJAL AGARWAL on the other hand was at her glamorous best and set the screen on fire when ever she was on screen.....
A final word the movie is average, but for fans of Kajal Agarwal and Nagchaitanya it has shown their idols in a different role and is a must watch movie...
Kill Piracy.. Watch the movie in Theatres only..
Kill Piracy.. Watch the movie in Theatres only..