Singham, the Bollywood remake of Suriya-starrer Tamil film Singam, is ready to hit theatres. Directed by Rohit Shetty, the film has Ajay Devgn and Kajal Agarwal in lead roles. The lead pair and the director had an interaction with media through video conferencing on Wednesday.
What is the meaning of Singham? Rohit Shetty: It is a Sanskrit word which means lion. In the film, the hero's nickname is Bajirao Singham.
Indian cinema is showing cops like super heroes. Is this the revival of super heroes?Shetty: It's just the revival of heroism.
Why is Bollywood in a hurry to remake movies from South India?
The trend of remakes is not new. Munna Bhai MBBS was made with Chiranjeevi in the lead.
Apart from an out-an-out action movie, what more can we expect in Singham? Rohit: It's a simple story with earthy characters. It is not a Bond film, so to say.
What is the thing that made you say ‘yes’ to Singham? Ajay Devgn: It has been eight years since I worked in action movies. I felt Singham had the right kind of script. The way Rohit designed the project attracted me.
How different is this from Phool Aur Kaante?
Technically, this is better. Competition creates pressure on film-makers to make films extraordinary.
Any item song in the movie?
No Sheela, no Munni. And the next movie is a comedy family movie.
From fun-filled Golmaal to actionfilled Singham. Which one did you enjoy working in?
Well, both were different. I like to keep switching between comedy and action.
You rarely appear in romantic films?
Will do the moment when I get a nice script.
Apart from Ajay and Salman, who is the next action hero?
I can't think of these new boys in action zone. Tough to name any.
How do your movies fair in Bangalore? Why haven't you come to Bangalore to promote the film?
Basically,I am too lazy to promote my movies. Production team is working on it.
Why Kajal, not Kajol, in Singham?
Every film has a script and every script has a character...
Feedback of audience (Bangalore) to your movies?
Some fabulous response, some not heartening.
Any plans to shoot in Bangalore in future?
I would love to. I will, given a chance.
Films like Singham don't have much scope for heroines. Why did you choose it? Kajal Agarwal: I don't think so. My character is very strong in the movie.
Tell us about your character? Kajal: It is the role of an innocent girl.
What do you like in Bangalore?
I like MG Road and Garuda Mall. Bangalore rocks! SOURCE: TOI(B'LORE)